Hamden --
This is my last campaign, and
I'm ready to give it all I've got.
I know supporters like you are,
Thank you so much for your
support in these final weeks.
Thank you,
1 September 2012, 4:00
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This email was sent to hebrew.king@ymail.com
Minggu ini, The White House mengadakan Majlis Makan Malam Negeri, pertama kali bersejarah Kids'; dihoskan AmeriCorps, Penerima Opsyen Penambahbaikan Sekolah, dan Felo Inovasi Presiden. Presiden mengadakan sidang akhbar dan bercakap dengan pemberita serantau mengenai keperluan untuk Kongres untuk bersetuju mengenai pelan pengurangan defisit yang seimbang; dan Wanita Pertama dimembuat pengumuman veteran utama di Jacksonville, Florida. (This week, The White House held an historic, first-ever Kids' State Dinner; hosted Americorps, School Improvement Grantees, and Presidential Innovation Fellows. The President held a news conference and spoke with regional reporters about the need for Congress to agree on a balanced deficit reduction plan; and the First Lady made a major veterans hiring announcement in Jacksonville, Florida).
The White House (USA Works) 'Presiden Obama terlibat dengan Belia Kurang Upaya' Baru-baru ini, Presiden Obama bertemu dengan beberapa belia kurang upaya. Dia mahu mendengar pemikiran mereka tentang masa depan dasar kecacatan. Jadi, dia duduk dengan peserta dari Persatuan Orang Amerika dengan program magang Kurang Upaya. Orang-orang muda yang bersemangat dan kuat wakil untuk berjuta-juta orang kurang upaya di seluruh negara. Mereka mewakili masa depan yang cerah untuk Amerika. Presiden Obama adalah bersedia untuk berdiri dengan mereka setiap hari.
The White House (USA Works) ‘President Obama Engages with Youth with Disabilities’ Recently, President Obama met with some youth with disabilities. He wanted to hear their thoughts about the future of disability policy. So, he sat down with participants from the American Association of People with Disabilities internship program. These young people are passionate and strong representatives for millions of people with disabilities across the country. They represent a brighter future for America. President Obama is ready to stand with them each and every day.
West Wing Week ‘The Historic, First-Ever Kids' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRH3QtqgoIk&feature=player_embedded#!
President Obama Engages with Youth with Disabilities http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qceocris2uE&feature=player_embedded